
Three (3) Types of Algorithms Every Programmer Needs to Know

Started 4 months ago by Paschal in Info Tech., Programming

Three (3) Types of Algorithms Every Programmer Needs to Know

It's my thought that every programmer should know these 3 types of algorithms. We actually go over 9 algorithms, what they are,


 3 Types of Algorithms Every Programmer Needs to Know

It's my thought that every programmer should know these 3 types of algorithms. We actually go over 9 algorithms, what they are, how they work, real-world use cases, complete with code examples and explanations, but they fall under 3 categories, 3 types of algorithms you should know. 

Sorting Algorithms - used to rearrange elements in a list or an array in a certain order. We discuss bubble sort, insertion sort, and merge sort.

Searching Algorithms - used to find or retrieve an element from a data structure, or to determine its existence and location in the dataset. We discuss linear search and binary search.

Graph Algorithms - used to solve problems related to graph theory, where data is represented as a collection of nodes (or vertices) connected by edges. You probably know these as trees. We discuss depth-first search (dfs), breadth-first search (bfs), Dijkstra's algorithm, and A* algorithm.

So, why are these algorithms you should you know? Because they form the foundation of efficient problem-solving in computer science. Their study not only enhances programming skills but also deepens analytical thinking. And they’re instrumental in optimizing software performance across a wide range of real-world applications. I hope you enjoy the video and learn a thing or two!


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